[設計推] 把雙手弄髒吧!

今天在 Fubiz 看到了這個【Dirt Poster】海報設計概念:

Dirt Poster

Dirt Poster

Dirt Poster

Dirt Poster

Dirt Poster

Dirt Poster

Dirt Poster

Dirt Poster

Dirt Poster




好吧也許翻譯的有點辭不達意,不過這句話給我的感覺蠻震撼的,讓我想到上星期帶去 leBooks 介紹的書 “Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite”(按連結可以看到生動的 book brief 簡報) 在這本無敵青春熱血(誤)的勵志小書裡,Paul Arden 寫了這段話:

TRAPPED… It’s not because you are making the wrong decisions. It’s because you are making the right ones. We try to make sensible decisions based on the facts in front of us. The problem with making sensible decisions is that so is everybody else.

Making the safe decision is dull, predictable and leads nowhere new. The unsafe decision causes you to think and respond in a way you hadn’t thought of. And that thought will lead to other thoughts which will help you achieve what you want. Start taking bad decisions and it will take you to a place where others only dream of being.

雖然我覺得阿爾登先生這個倫講話素有點極端啦 (感覺上是個會突然在公司砸飯碗大喊「你老師咧老子不幹了!」然後奔上山頂向海天眺望背後還有怒濤巨浪衝上來的熱血男兒) 但又不得不去同意他這個論點!小心翼翼先為人生鋪好路再開始走甚至是跟在別人的影子裡面走當然沒什麼不好,但是環境有好有壞,起步有高有低,人生當然有成也有敗,如果敢打破常規勇於冒險,一定可以看到以前看不到的豐富風景~

所以呢管它那麼多,先盡情把雙手弄髒在泥坑裡打滾吧!Ψ(`ω´メ) (誤很大) BLOG 原文:http://www.ipixels.net/echo/2009/08/31/dirt-poster

海報設計師:Roland Tiangco



Dear Deer/Eleanor Hardwick/Lovely Package 創意無限!

4 則留言

  1. cindy wrote:

    Thank you for sharing the quote. It’s quite inspiring! :D Thinking too much causes analysis paralysis sometimes.

    oooo “analysis paralysis”… I like this word XD

  2. Patty wrote:

    that is such an awesome poster!!!!! :D
    Thanks for sharing! :)

    no prob no prob, glad you like it!!

  3. Jie wrote:

    i like it :)

    hehe ;)

  4. Scottie wrote:


    你是順便幫酪梨壽司打書嗎XDDD 哈哈哈
