my christmas eve dinner

時間也過得太快,光陰就像肉包子打狗般地一去不回,感覺離那次籌備的小驚喜才幾個月的時間,沒想到已經整整一年了!也許是因為現在的N某已經年老了一歲,所以今年有點黔驢技窮想不出該弄什麼驚喜(什麼爛藉口)。左想右想之後決定走熟女(?!)路線,在聖誕夜親自下廚煮一頓聖誕大餐⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒(。A。)!!! (為什麼要用滾的)

可是看過【貴婦遠庖廚】這篇的人都嘛知道,N某完全不是做菜的料 在烹飪技術方面都有一定的風險…但是,就像白襪子很久沒洗就會變黑一樣,人啊,是會隨著時間改變低!今天是我個人大突破的一日啊!XD 來看看我做了什麼吧~~

● 前菜莎拉:Autumn apple salad
Apples, rasins, dried cranberries, dried cherries, vanilla yogurt
● 主菜0:Roasted rack of lamb
阿本來要做這個,但是看到 Safeway 的 sirloin tip roast 有特價就改做那個了…(見下)
● 主菜1:Herb rubbed sirloin tip roast
4 pounds sirloin tip roast, covered with spice mixture (paprika, kosher salt, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, cayenne pepper, dried oregano, dried thyme, and olive oil)

● 主菜2:Roasted turkey legs (photo n/a)
2 turkey legs (媽媽不知道哪裡弄來的叫我處理掉 @@), celery stalks (or onions instead), butter and salt to taste
● 配菜1:Spruced up mashed potatoes
potatoes, cauliflower florets, carrots, garlic, milk, butter, salt and black pepper
● 配菜2:Broccoli with garlic butter and cashews
broccoli, covered with sauce (garlic sauted in butter, mixed with brown sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, and pepper) and cashews
● 甜點:Belgian waffle with ice cream and fruits
leftover waffles and ice cream from fridge (XD), fresh fruits (bananas, raspberries, strawberries, etc) and sauce

哦…感覺好像…好像是人可以吃的耶!(゚Д゚) 大驚* 小N竟然會做菜了!是我的錯覺嗎?!

…嗯沒錯,這一切都是錯覺…除了甜點以外這全部都是照抄食譜的啦 (汗) 連上面的圖也是用照片充數因為沒有時間照相 (狂汗) 哈哈~ =v= 可是成果竟然還蠻成功的,完全驚嚇到了N的老爸老媽 XD 最令我驚艷的其實是沙拉跟烤牛肉,因為我本身並沒有太喜歡優格,但沒想到水果混優格真~的真的很好吃 T.T 然後烤牛肉用的那個醬料也蠻讚,大概是因為我們都很愛吃辣吧~呵呵,所以必須要在這裡說一下 All Recipes 真的很好用,它著實拯救了N某無數次的屁股啊!(ノД`) 真的~除了分類清楚還算好找 (還很貼心地幫你設計聖誕菜單) 以外,步驟也寫得很清楚,連我這種烹飪白痴看了也不會有壓力說!所以如果你跟我一樣想做菜但又不會做菜的話,極力推薦 All Recipe,如果你也剛好是懶人一族,順便推薦窮學生懶人食譜 (這個作者真的是神人了,整個太敬佩)。

總之今年的聖誕夜過得很滿足 (因為吃得很飽 XD) 希望大家也有個快樂的聖誕節唷。Merry Christmas!

4 則留言

  1. weini wrote:

    qinaide. ur xmas dinner looks fab. cook me new yr dinner ba!!~~ hehe

  2. Patty wrote:

    i LOVE 窮學生懶人食譜 !!!!!!!
    it saved my ass N times….
    we missed you at the christmas party!!
    looks like you had fun too though :P
    happy holidays!! =)

  3. kwyc wrote:

    好…好厲害~~ O口O!!
    前菜,主菜,配菜,甜點 樣樣都有~

  4. 小 N wrote:

    but ur mom is making a super big one le anyway~~!
    i’ll cook you um… a bowl of rice then. hahaha XD
    gonna see you in 1.5 hrs! yay~

    hahah I know!! I tried out some of the recipes before and they worked!! :|
    you have an excellent holidays too~!
    hope to see you soon neh!!

    其實當時是想說…多弄幾道會比較保險 XDDD
