Film Studies 100 第一堂課

今天是暑修開學第一天,所以四點多就提早下班趕去久違的 UBC~第一次在 Chan Centre 拿課,而且這堂 Film Studies 還是我大學四年來拿的第一個比較「文藝」一點的 elective (另一個拿過的 art course 是 Econ 101,唉忽然覺得我的課表看起來很悲哀啊 XD)

教授是一個講話頓號很多的老頭兒,我覺得他超屌!從這句 “Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation is the most racist, monstrous, horrible film of all possible works by mankind, of all history, at all times, it is absolutely nothing but a pile of shit… but it revolutionized the movie industry.” 我就暗自決定這堂課我不會 drop 了…啊哈哈哈 (喂) BLOG 原文:

今天課堂上看了一些短片,看著電影製作的演變真的很有趣!從簡陋的照片連拍,到後來漸漸有 parallel editing, cross cutting, panning, tinting 等技術加入,每個時期的電影都有新的技巧出現,那些我們現在看起來很稀鬆平常的東西,對當時的人來說可能是非常新穎瘋狂的。像是 1903 年 E. S. Porter 製作的《The Great Train Robbery》中,ending scene 是反派角色的臉面向觀眾,然後舉手對著鏡頭開槍 (有點像 007 片頭的橋段) — 這幕場景上映時引起了喧然大波,因為當時 motion pictures 還未普及化,所以電影即使是黑白的,許多人還是會容易不小心把它跟真實世界混淆在一起;因此當電影中的人開槍的時候,據說有人尖叫、有人躲到椅子底下、甚至衝出電影院或拔槍對螢幕狂射的也有。感覺很不可思議吧,這大概跟N某小時候第一次看 3D 電影時,會不自覺地想伸手去空中亂摸、然後電影裡有東西飛出來時會嚇得閉眼睛是一樣的事情吧 XDDD

正經事 (咦) 說完了,最後來貼一些課堂上聽來的 quotes 吧!

Keep in mind: The real world and the reel world do not follow the same set of rules.
有沒有想過為什麼男主角中彈的部位常常是肩膀?因為那裡出血量少不致當場斃命 (才可以慢慢跟女主角廢話半天)、不會太嚴重影響運動機能 (才可以繼續活潑地跑跑跳跳)、而且看起來會很帥 (不然你要屁股中彈嗎) — 但是在現實生活中,要打中那裡的機率可說是小之又小,應該會打到頸動脈 instead 然後主角就葛屁了。

You always see people frowning in old photographs, but that’s NOT because they lacked a sense of humor.
老式相機曝光時間都很久,有些甚至長達 24 分鐘,想想看你照全家福的時候要 say cheese 24 分鐘,再甜美的笑容都會變猙獰了!(ಠ益ಠ)y

圖:題外話, 是個很好殺時間的網站 XD

難怪我一直想說為什麼古人(?)看起來都愁眉苦臉地一臉嚴肅,其實這跟他們有沒有幽默感一點關係都沒有!從前的人也可以很歡樂啊!恩說到歡樂就讓我不得不想到 OH! MIKEY

oh mikey
圖:是真的很歡樂…啊哈哈哈哈 啊哈哈哈哈 啊哈哈哈哈~

Did we dream differently before there were movies? Did movies reflect what we have always dreamed? Or did they deform the way we think?

A tip to break your YouTube addiction and start reading research essays: Find a cool cafe in Yaletown. Write your essays there, and you will feel cool. Or do your readings at a beach, where the cold waves will keep you awake. Then you can go to the beach and feel righteous at the same time. Or get some beer on commercial drive, and feel righteous.
喔喔~所以我現在要開始找很酷的咖啡店了!有想推薦的請介紹給我 XDD

總之這就是暑修開學第一天的心得文 (有點不知道重點在哪裡) 反正就一切看起來都還 going alright, 如果之後有學到有趣的事情再來波文吧哈哈 XD

11 則留言

  1. na wrote:

    Medina Cafe is my favorite in downtown other than Wicked but they are not in Yaletown..

    Ohhh thanks for sharing! I don’t care where it is haha :D looks like Medina has got awesome breakfast/brunch menus!!

  2. na wrote:

    btw, I took Film 100 too :D

    感覺上這堂課超適合 nadia 哩!
    hehe how did you like it?

  3. kwyc wrote:

    seems like an interesting class~
    (i like that family photo XD)

    but…u r taking a summer course along w/ ur co-op!? (拜)

    I’m not as hardcore as my other friend though… she is going to take COMPUTER VISION (Cpsc 425) from Sept to Dec, WITH CO-OP! 0_0

  4. Patty wrote:

    oh you took my advise!! i really enjoyed that class since the tests are SUPER easy!!!!!!
    and it’s still with Mark Harris right?? He’s not bad but he tends to go off topic most of the time… XD still a good night class! enjoy!!!!!!!!

    i miss you, but i feel like i see you everyday because of my co-worker XD

    hehehe yeaa I followed your footsteps! XD thanks for the advice hun!! and yes I have Mark Harris! he’s quite funny hahhaa
    and aww 我的分身應該很高興! 哈哈哈
    I miss you toooo!! > <

  5. cindy wrote:

    Sounds like an interesting course to take! Wish I took those courses when I was a student there. :p

    it’s kinda sad that this will be the ONE and ONLY arts course that I ever take in UBC… there are a bunch of other ones that look really interesting as well but can’t cram them in to my schedule :'(

  6. Jie wrote:

    uh there are no cool cafes in yaletown besides raw canvas, but again u’d be totally distracted there.


    Raw Canvas 沒去過也~下次試試看!!
    (oh i feel like a tourist in vancouver :P)

  7. SL wrote:

    i’ve wanted to take that course when I was in univ! then the times never worked out well i think :( music 103 was cool too XD

    hahaha it was very funny that on the first day, the prof asked if there’s any first years in class and nobody responded… turns out that 90%+ of the class were 3rd/4th year students =w= (who are trying to graduate but are missing some arts credits hahah)

  8. Lawrence wrote:


    在4街和Yew那附近的 Starbucks 只要 order 以下東西:
    Green Tea Latte, half sweet, no ice, wip cream


    LOL~ UBC SUB 的好像也常做錯.. 而且最後都會拿到兩杯,一杯錯的一杯重新做的XD

  9. .oOMOo. wrote:

    the beer and cafe things are true! XD


  10. […] N 某明明沒看過卻還可以這麼激動來這裡屁這麼多呢,主要是因為之前在 Film Studies 課堂上被 Fellini 的另一部作品《Juliet of the Spirits》(Giulietta degli […]

  11. […] N 某明明沒看過卻還可以這麼激動來這裡屁這麼多呢,主要是因為之前在 Film Studies 課堂上被 Fellini 的另一部作品《Juliet of the Spirits》(Giulietta degli […]

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