

Sometimes I wonder how most designers feel when they see this image.

Excitement? Anticipation? Confusion? Weariness? Frustration?

A blank canvas of endless possibilities for you to explore? Or a blank canvas that you must complete to meet the deadline and clients’ satisfaction?


Some said it is the most ideal to be able to turn something you love into a career. Some said work and hobby should never be the same thing, as jobs kill your passion.

I really don’t know which is right. I guess there’s no answer to this, it completely depends on the person’s state of mind. 而設計對我而言,一直都是這麼矛盾的。


(Image from FFFFOUND)

2 則留言

  1. alice wrote:

    “it completely depends on the person’s state of mind.” <— agree.


    completely frustration and 无语ness…

    嘿嘿其實還沒點進去前我就知道你是在講哪一張了 ( ̄ー ̄) (驕傲個啥)

  2. Lawrence wrote:

    工作 vs 興趣…..

    hahaha, what a topic….

    If you really want something, you will figure out a way to get it, eventually.
    如果妳真的很愛畫圖,turning it into a job shouldn’t kill your passion, right?
    (如果變成工作就沒有 passion 了,那代表也不是真的愛做那件事,也就不用沮喪什麼)
    If you really like to do it, you will find a way to get both of them running at the same time.

    我在家已經很久沒畫圖了,更是不知道多少年沒有灌 3D 軟體了。
    不過等到我沒在做 3D 的那時候,我還是會把 3D 軟體灌進我電腦,

    If I get paid, that’s nice. If not, that’s nice, too.
    Therefore, 我不會害怕把兩個合在一起。

    good one :)
    It’s really nice that you’ve found something that you like (and so talented at!)

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