
最近這個禮拜幾乎都沒什麼睡,過著神仙(?)般的生活,尤其今天在學校N某一直都是在神遊的狀態,連走路拉外套時竟然也可以把大衣的拉鍊裡面小外套的拉鍊拉在一起還渾然不知 = = (整個拉得超順,兩秒後才發現對錯了orz)

然後下課後坐 99 時經過一家店,招牌寫「RUBY…AILS」(中間的字被車子擋住),N某腦中閃過第一個念頭竟然是「哇溫哥華有關於 Ruby on Rails (註)的店喔好謎噢會不會太神奇」殊不知正解其實只是很普通的 RUBY NAILS… 唔喔喔我是怎麼了??!難道連續五天宅在某陰沉角落狂寫程式的殺傷力這麼強大!?我不要啊啊啊啊 L(゚□゚)」(暴走中)

所以趕快來寫一下 blog,來證明我還沒有跟人類世界脫節 <(; ̄ ・ ̄) (誤)


To-dos for this week and next week:
(其實感覺還蠻充實的耶 XD 至少比渾渾噩噩好多了)
1/28 314 midterm
1/28 CSSS social coordinator event planning
1/28 VN webdesign case finalize & deliver
1/29 317 assignment deadline
1/29 490 project mockup
1/29 CSSS FS course starts
1/30 Co-op job interview
1/30 Start working on 490 project
1/31 Work
1/31 Mitts creative website deadline (in progress)
1/31 Mitts creative price grid deadline (in progress)
1/31 TWFF3 Teaser poster deadline
2/1 TWFF3 Teaser website up (thanks Karen!)
2/2 490 project demo
2/2 314 assignment due
2/2 Co-op job interview
2/3 Stat assignment due
2/3 317 midterm
2/5 CSSS event
2/5 CSSS FS final exam
2/7 Work
2/7 TWFF3 branding mockup (logo and poster) – first draft deadline

註:Ruby on Rails 是某程式語言開發的網頁應用程式架構,宗旨是想 web developers 能寫程式寫得更爽這樣 (好爛的解釋,可以看 wiki 啦) 雖然應該是枚好物,但是能從日常生活中的任何事物聯想到 RoR 還是一件蠻悲哀的事情。

7 則留言

  1. cindy wrote:

    你寫 ruby 的東西喔? 我以為學校只教那些 mainstream languages.

    其實我沒有在學啦,但是課堂上常常會提到,只是為什麼連這樣都還可以聯想到 Ruby 我也有點不解。

  2. howard wrote:

    (其實感覺還蠻充實的耶 XD 至少比渾渾噩噩好多了) <= cognitive dissonance


    hey come on~ gotta have a positive outlook mah! XD

  3. cuddlie wrote:

    just realized you’re the social coordinator of the cube!!! good for you!!! it’s good to get more involved in the CS department. :) and two interviews coming up as well!! :)

    hahaa yeah! I actually just joined this year, thinking it’s probably nice to get involved w/ CS a bit before I graduate LOL~ the ppl were actually much funner than I imagined! XD hehehe and yea trying to find a job for co-op this may, there’s so little job listings this year =(

  4. avati wrote:

    need help with 314? feel free to ask me if you have questions?

    hmm I haven’t started that but probably should…yeah…XD
    have you got the bison yet? T-T

  5. CLONE wrote:

    我…我竟然有聽過…跟讀過一點點Ruby on Rails 的東西XD

    哈哈….feel so close to u ne CLone XD

    omg…r u trying to kill urself??



    拜託~~take care 一下你的身體啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    哈哈哀你也 take care 啦~

  6. Lawrence wrote:

    yoyo lil n,

    we dont really talk that much… but ya…. take good care, lady.
    if u need a eating partner….

    hehe thanks lawrence!!
    I’ll remember that! =)

  7. touchfish wrote:

    CS 現在敎RoR了嗎??

    沒有啦,it was from a student-directed seminar~
    and we didn’t really learn it, just a brief intro lo XD
