
才第二堂課就體驗到所謂挑戰體能極限的可怕,在三十度高溫又缺乏氧氣的密室裡,光是呼吸就足以令人汗流浹背,偏偏我這個低血壓魔王又很容易 headrush,導致整堂課裡加起來有五分鐘的時間我是處於伸手不見五指的狀態 (就是眼前一片黑暗然後感覺頭在飄)

尤其是教練還在那邊嚷嚷「higher, higher! CHALLENGE yourself!」時真的很想衝上去扁他,但也只能咬緊牙關死命撐過去,畢竟也是為著自己好啊,如果連自己都放棄挑戰了那我還有什麼資格要挑戰不放棄我呢。讀全文:http://www.ipixels.net/echo/2007/09/15/limit/

【圖一】Richmond Public Market
【圖二】Cropped from a larger photo. 完全就是一副自以為有氣質的樣子 =w=

7 則留言

  1. jeffccl wrote:


  2. Tomcat wrote:

    u should either stop the music
    or stop moving that control thingy around
    coz i have to keep looking for it to stop ur music~!

  3. 小 N wrote:

    不要以為同時在 msn 的話就可以留欠扁的留言… = =
    fine fine i’ve stopped it~ XDDD

  4. 。莎。 wrote:


    I told my mom what happen to me that day…and she was like…what…I went to that kind of place…O_O

    haha~~yeah~~so many ppl to ask me to stop going there…because they said there is not good for my health T_T

    well…I will still go…but yeah…I won’t listen to the teacher anymore…haha~~I will do what I can do….not going to challenge myself…

  5. TU wrote:

    hahaha, This is the Yoga experience that you were talking about!! LOL! Challenge yourself! Intersting experience! 回家後仔細想想,我明白那種垂死在放棄邊緣的感覺。雖然如此,敖過後為自己沾沾自喜的感覺。很像當初高中跑六圈的經驗@@

    hopefully you are recovered from the adverse experience and ready to take on the next challenge @@||| (涅一把冷汗中)

  6. wrote:


  7. 小 N wrote:

    when are we going next time ah? XD (←不知死活樣)
    and it’s true…. next time i’ll just igore the teacher..
    hahaha (altho i’ve been ignoring his commands b4 anyway =w=)
    well just do our best lo!
    dun 勉強 too much!
    哈哈唉唷 本來還在營造神秘感
    沒想到你的第一句話就害我破梗了 XDDDD jk~
    yeah… kinda reminds me of 6 laps,
    altho 6 laps dun last for 1.5 hours T_T
    but anyhoo, yes i’ve recovered from the adverse experience and i kinda wanna go there again now~ XD (又一副不知死活臉)

    micb lab 環境沒那麼嚴重啦!=w=lllll
    如果說是在 incubation room 裡面可能還差不多
    (but then how come we dun feel that hot in there? thought it’s 35*C? 0w0)

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