

下班之後忽然有個衝動想給網誌改版一下,結果一個弄太嗨就不小心弄到凌晨三點 (!?) 現在才豁然了解 WordPress 背後的 hooks/filters/actions 是怎麼運作的,實在是太神奇了! 感謝 WPSHOWER 的 Paragrams 模版,之後再來慢慢 customize 好惹 XD (整個就是沒事找事做 XD) 如果覺得現在的版面很難讀或者是在不同的瀏覽器上看起來很悽慘請不吝告知,感謝您!

↑ 已經用了快三年的舊模版

4 則留言

  1. cuddlie wrote:

    The new layout looks nice, little N! :)

    wah wahhh so happy to see ms huang!!!! :D

  2. nolitawanders wrote:

    love the new facelift, makes it feel like I am reading a magazine :D

    thanks na! I like the columnist-style themes too..>//< 只希望文章內容也一樣有質感就好...(遼望 XDDD

  3. Jenny wrote:

    I think the layout suits you & your blog contents better! :) good job with setting up the theme. I have no idea how to install WordPress on my host site yet haha Orz.

    Thanks so much Jenny!!! Haha yeah I hope this makes it easier to navigate my blog cuz the one before was too messy XD
    Your new food blog looks really nice! and I like the name “Eat With Jenny” 好可愛的感覺 ^^ keep it up!

  4. Jessica wrote:

    OMG I just saw this facelift, and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

    I just wish I have the guts to do something as crazy as this too XD

    Thanks Jessica *blush*
    Hahah if you’re feeling slightly crazy one day, do something to your blog too! Even though I think it looks really pretty and 充實 already at the moment XD!
