台北 101

Taipei Snapshots

Taipei Snapshots

Taipei Snapshots

Taipei Snapshots

Taipei Snapshots

1. DIOR 櫥窗,櫥窗的照片都是拍給斗笠撒看的 XD
2. 早上去教堂時順便拍拍那附近的塗鴉
4. 正門口還有一個 Tiffany 的聖誕樹,但是我覺得有點醜說…也許是因為藍綠色 is not my color 吧 (會讓我想到牙膏 XD)
5. 這麼大一盤平常要 $120 今天竟然只要 $99 (加幣三塊多) 而已喔!而且還有附一碗蛋花湯!一整個超滿足的呀!在 101 附近某建築 (忘了名字,有 MUJI / 生活工廠的那棟) 地下美食街 =)

6 則留言

  1. Jie wrote:


    小N: 無聊沒事可以自己做呀! 蛋跟蔥丟到水裡就是了…(<- 說了跟沒說一樣= =)

  2. angel wrote:

    oh my..l i know tat food~~
    i took the same food XD in my wretch

    i miss it soo much
    oh my god..

    小N: 科科
    那個時候整個food court 幾乎每桌都有一盤這個耶!
    but it was so yummy indeed (L)

  3. SL wrote:

    509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded for ipixels?? what download file did you have on there that was so.. popular? :P

    i didnt know you went back to taiwan! DAMNIT!
    and the sashimi few posts down looks SO GOOD

    小N: some mp3 file that i used for my background music was hotlinked by baidu and some other music dl websites… T__T 真是死得超冤枉的啊!

    haha i’ve been eating like a pig ever since i came back… hope u still recognize me by the time skul starts LOL XDDD

  4. weini wrote:

    omg?? why only 9 buckz??? look soooo delicious neeee!!!!!! i heard on the news like theres 1 buck sashimi in taiwan too!!! ahhhh. i so wanna go >.<

  5. weini wrote:

    o…99 buckz…okay…mis-read. but the 1 buck sashimi is true….saw it on taiwan news yesterday

    小N: wow 1 buck sashimi?? cool… wonder how they manage to get it this cheap 0w0

  6. Clone wrote:



    小N: hahha of course!! np la XD
