I Know The Plans

Words and Music by Debbie Fortnum

I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord

I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord

I have great plans to prosper you, declares the Lord

I have great plans to prosper you, declares the Lord

To give you a hope, to give you a future, says the Lord

To give you a hope, to give you a future, says the Lord

And not to harm you

No I will never harm you

I want to show you all of My miracles

And I want to know you and I want you to know Me

I want to show you in the years ahead together

The beauty of My plans, you're in very capable hands

I know the plans I have for you

This song was written and sung by Debbie Fortnum, a Canadian. She was totally blind at 10 because of a disease. When she was 12, one night she was worshiping the Lord and God's healing power came upon her. Her weak body was instantly healed, and her eyesight was completely restored. Now she serves God through the music and brings blessings to numberless people.